

Karen Manroe  /  founder PinPt. Strategic Marketing LLC

I have had the privilege of working in leadership positions for some awesome companies on both the client and agency sides of the marketing world - primarily ConAgra, Publicis, GSD&M and Dr Pepper. And…then I became a mom. And thought I would stay at home, which was a great idea, but hilarious for my husband and I. I missed marketing, had a teeny weeny identity crisis, and started PinPt. The name and logo summed up what I wanted in a consultant when I was in the client seat: make it easy to whip my marketing maelstrom into submission, and create a focused, actionable set of guiding insights and recommendations. OK, pin-headed data-geek was discussed as logo direction as well. And I like green.

My philosophy is that, without guiding insights, products, services and communications will fail. Insights are the north star for definitive decisions and compelling creative. Thus, market research is a big part of my practice. But in my world, research data does NOT, I repeat NOT, equal insights. I wanted to provide detailed implications and solutions for my clients - even potential executions or innovations. I decided this would be the PinPt. difference. Insights that are focused and concentrated to the point of spilling out into the future - Insights Forward.

So far, it’s been great. I have worked with some of the smartest people in the marketing world, and learned a lot. I have helped guide development and evaluation of positioning, logos, product names and formulations, tag lines, headlines, political campaign messaging and customer journeys, to name just a few. I’ve worked in CPG, DR, retail and fast food categories, using a myriad of traditional and cutting edge qualitative and quantitative methods, both explicit and observed. I pride myself on delivering surprising results - that go beyond deliverables, onward into what the data actually means.

I’ve made lifelong friends that happen to be clients. I think they would say “PinPt. is no frills, no fancy jargon, no ridiculous prices. Just nice people, low-maintenance engagements, and insights forward deliverables that make me look good.” Works for me.